Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Background Information #1 (rev1) : What's Amateur Radio

  • What's "ham radio" ? ...amateur radio operators are interested in the development and use of many different types of radio technology to communicate in all types of environments between both people and machines.
    • "Hams" can use much higher power and many different technologies to send and receive digital and analog information over much greater distances.
    • An amateur radio operator is part of a group of technology oriented people with decades of experience in solving challenging problems
    • They have a burning desire to share that knowledge to help create new solutions.
  • What can you do with "ham radio" ? ... Model airplanes and gliders (commands up, telemetry down) ... High-altitude balloons (imagery and telemetry down) ... Satellites, the International Space Station (and formerly the Shuttle), Ocean buoys, Someone or Something in the middle of the jungle with a radio and a solar panel, your new project…
  • WHO can you talk to with "ham radio" ? ...amateurs come from all walks of life. Many amateurs are in the sciences and engineering. Many build their own ("homebrew") equipment, a subset of the hobby, QRPers, focus on small, portable, low power equipment.
  • HOW can you be an amateur radio operator ?... A few days of study and a simple 30 question multiple choice test will get you started with your “Technicians” license.
  • What's next ? ... Robots ? Other kinds of remotely operated vehicles ...

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