Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Another Statewide APRS Net - THIS SATURDAY

It's that time again,  the Tulsa Digital Radio Club will hold an APRS net at 1300 CDT on Saturday 7/11/2015.

Net controller will be Scott Haley KD5NJR. 

Hams are encouraged to check-in by sending an APRS message to KD5NJR.

As an exercise, try the ANSRVR server.  Subscribe to the OKAPRS group for the duration of the net.
Instructions are here :  https://www.dropbox.com/s/rgvw6bokclb4ttj/APRS%20Messaging%20TDRC%20Training.pdf?dl=0

The Statewide DMR talkgroup will also be monitored.
APRS messages can be generated from
  • certain HTs and mobile radios (ex: Kenwood TH-D72, TM-D710, etc
  • .smart phones with APRS apps,
  • computers paired with TNCs and radios, and (example : UI-VIEW)
  • computers with soundcard-based modems and radios. (example : UZ7HO Soundmodem and APRSIS32
We continue to operate HF APRS using the instructions located at  http://tulsadigitalradioclub.blogspot.com/2015/03/hf-aprs-fldigi-style-using-pskmfsketc.html .  As an additional incentive for this upcoming net, a certificate of appreciation from the Tulsa Digital Radio Club (TRDC) will be sent to those stations that try this new high-tech wrinkle on the two decades old HF APRS mode.  The HF APRS net will be running on 7036 kHz at a center frequency of 1000 Hz using MFSK-16 for highest robustness during the net.

Popular for about 20 years now, APRS is a format for sending short textual messages over amateur radio.  Short bursts of APRS can conserve your battery power and radio spectrum.  It lends itself to low power applications such as travelers, backpackers and in emergency situations.  APRS radio sets are popular with hikers, experimenters (model airplane and rocket enthusiasts) and there is even an APRS terminal on the International Space Station.   Background information is available at : https://www.dropbox.com/s/rgvw6bokclb4ttj/APRS%20Messaging%20TDRC%20Training.pdf?dl=0

Questions or comments may be directed to Scott Haley kd5njr@gmail.com or Jeff Scoville AE5ME at ae5me@yahoo.com

What is APRS ?  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7mQl6RSvyM
APRSIS32 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEq-p8v6HPY
and Part 2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0A_ZyMkY9M


Field Day 2015 Recap

... so, the smoke has cleared from the first KT5DIG QRP Solar Digital Field Day ...
(more to follow)

We set up three stations battery powered QRP ( class 3AB) radios and found ourselves keeping two of them pretty busy. 

STATION 1: (KA5TRO / Tony)
Icom 703
Rig Blaster Plug and Play
Laptop PC.

STATION 2: (KD5NJR / Scott)
Rig Blaster Plug and Play
Laptop PC.

Tony provided the Optima Yellow Top batteries.  They worked great with some solar panels and a charge controller.

We'll continue to experiment with his wind generator... It could use some more blades.

His vertical Outbacker Antennas worked well during the initial hours of Field Day, then we moved over to a dipole antenna Scott Mayes KC5SHE put together.

Thanks for Scott and Russell Mayes KC5SHE / KF5VDY for the hospitality and to our extra operators Steve Miller and Steve Stone KE5URG.

After working some bugs out, early (unofficial) results are 100 digital , solar , qrp contacts for 1,000 points and 50 phone qrp ( still solar ) contacts for 250 points.

... more to follow

73 de kd5njr

ISS and PSAT on 145.825 MHz APRS

Place holder for information regarding PSAT and ISS...

kd5njr here...

Something that I've been doing weekends is listening on 145.825 for signals from outer space.  Really.  And you can too.

Using the same radio / soundcard / computer / software combination that you're monitoring APRS on 144.390 with, retune that 145.825 and open up your squelch.

You might see some beacons from RS0ISS, the space station or see some terrestrial traffic coming through the ISS's APRS digipeater.

Here is a view of APRS network on 145.825.  Bob WB4APR is calling 145.825 the Global Experimental Frequency.

And where is the ISS right now ?  Why, it's right here :
If you're anywhere near the ISS icon, you might be in range. 

There are different, easier, harder, and more elegant solutions to all of this. 

Feel free to drop me a note if you have questions or comments.

de kd5njr@gmail.com
