Monday, January 26, 2015

Hands-on FLDIGI Training February 7th OKC

For Immediate release

The communications software FLDIGI training is set to be offered February 7 from noon to 6 p.m. at the Oklahoma City Police and Fire Academy850 North Portland Avenue, in Oklahoma City, according to Jeff Scoville, AE5ME, instructor for the class.

The training is free and is sponsored by the Tulsa Digital Radio Club.

"Fldigi is a computer program intended for Amateur Radio Digital Modes operation using a PC (Personal Computer). Fldigi operates (as does most similar software) in conjunction with a conventional High Frequency Single Sideband radio transceiver, and uses the PC sound card as the main means of input from the radio, and output to the radio. These are audio-frequency signals. The software also controls the radio by means of another connection, typically a serial port." 

According to Stan Bradley, KS5B, the training will also be available through the services of the Tuttle First Baptist Church video streaming service..  "Look for the FLDIGI icon after connecting"

For more information, one may contact Jeff, AE5ME regarding FLDIGI and Stan, KS5B regarding the training feed.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

January 22nd at 9 PM -- FLDIGI Net

Just a brief reminder that our next upcoming FLDIGI net is on Thursday, January 22nd at 9-10 PM.  Operation is on two frequencies (145.03 Mhz FM and 7036 kHz USB).  Details on modes and center frequencies are given in previous blog posts.

We thank the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club for allowing us to present about the FLDIGI software suite on Tuesday, January 20th.  Many thanks to Bart and the crew!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

K9JUN now connected to TDRC BBS

I am pleased to announce that we now have affiliation with the W9JUN packet switch located in Madison, IN.  It is now connected full time via internet to the TDRC Switch and BBS.  If you haven't checked it out, you can connect to the system at AE5ME-15 on 145.01 Mhz VHF packet.  You can also use the FLDIGI/BPQ32 combo that was outlined in past blog posts and connect at either PSK-1000 on 145.03 Mhz or PSK-250 on 7.036 Mhz.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

More success from AE5QL Soft Rock + Amplifier kit!

First of all, Happy New Year to everyone.  Looking forward to lots of neat stuff in the coming 2015 year!

Looks like Mike AE5QL is already having quite a good time with his SoftRock receiver and transmitter and a 30 watt amplifier that he built to go along with it:

Tonight I have made my first contacts using my Softrock RX/TX and my EB63A amp. I am running about 3/4 output on the Softrock to achieve about 30 watts on the EB63A on 40 Meters, (7.070 +300 Hz to 1800 Hz showing on FLDIGI. The signal looks good on the O-Scope and nobody has complained so I hope things are working well. The contacts are from the East Coast, New York, North Carolina and Florida.

I had to tune the carrier operated relay (COR) circuit, it was way too sensitive, It now works well with digital, it may require more tuning to get the SSB phone working as well.

Mike, AE5QL