Hello friends,
The concept of digital text modes via analog shortwave broadcast is expanding!
Beginning 8 June, The Italian Broadcasting Corporation (IBC) will add a half hour of digital text modes to its Wednesday transmission via Channel 292 in Germany, 6070 kHz.
The entire broadcast is Wednesday 2000 to 2200 UTC, with MFSK32 followed by Olivia 16-500 at 2030-2100 UTC.
2030-2045 UTC in MFSK32 (1500 Hz): DX and media news from "Radio Passioni", Andrea Lawendel's blog
2045-2100 UTC in Olivia 16-500 (2200 Hz): DX Italia, news from the amateur radio world
Complete schedule and updates at http://ibcradio.webs.com/
Reception reports can be sent to ibc@europe.com
FB page https://www.facebook.com/IBC-Italian-Broadcasting-Corporation-42794031466/
Outside of Europe, try reception via the University of Twente receiver in the Netherlands: http://websdr.ewi.utwente.nl:8901
DigiDX will continue this week via Channel 292, 6070 kHz, daily (maybe not Saturday) at 0530-0600 and 1830-1900 UTC. Vatican Radio on the same frequency at those times provides a special challenge for the digital text modes. (I hope this co-channel situation can eventually be resolved.) This week Stephen has been experimenting with multiple modes transmitted simultaneously:
1500Hz - Olivia 16-500
2008Hz - Oliva 8-250
2300Hz - Olivia 4-125
2900Hz - BPSK-125
Reception reports to reports@digidx.uk
Thank you for your reports to VOA Radiogram, program 166, during the past weekend.
An illustration of the wide footprint of our North Carolina shortwave transmitter are these image decodes 4 June at 1626 UTC on 17580 kHz. From top: Merkouris in Greece (in the target area), Mike in Washington state (opposite of the target area), Chris in New Zealand (well beyond the target area), and me in Virginia (the skip zone for 17580 at that hour). ...
Kim Andrew Elliott
Producer and Presenter
VOA Radiogram
Twitter: @VOARadiogram.net
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